Southwest ADA Center Affiliates

The Southwest ADA Center works with a number of affiliates to accomplish its mission. All affiliates have in depth experience with disability issues and each has specific areas of expertise ranging from making information technology accessible in educational settings to the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other disability legislation.

Some affiliates also provide specialized training and/or in-depth technical assistance on disability-related legislation or offer special programs targeted to particular constituencies in their state.

StarReach Enterprises
Provides training on all titles of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the nondiscrimination provisions located in Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act.

Southwest ADA Center Regional Affiliate – Arkansas
This project, housed with the University of Arkansas Partners for Inclusive Communities, focuses on increasing the capacity of Arkansas agencies—higher education institutions, criminal justice system agencies, and others—to improve access for people with disabilities. A leadership consortium, established by the project, will develop community leaders knowledgeable of the Americans with Disabilities Act who will serve as resources and trainers across the state. Project staff are available to provide training and technical assistance on topics related to the ADA—physical access, programmatic access and digital access.

The Arc of Louisiana
Advocates for and with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families that they shall live to their fullest potential. They operate Louisiana Legal Disability Resources, which shares current and accurate information on legal and disability issues, terminology and available resources between the criminal justice and human service systems.

Oklahoma ABLE Tech
Provides technical assistance and training on making information technology accessible in educational settings and promotes systems change to enhance the provision of, access to and funding for assistive technology.

Native American Disability Law Center
The Native American Disability Law Center (NADLC) works to ensure Native Americans with disabilities have access to justice and are empowered and equal members of their communities and nations. They provide technical assistance and address civil rights, special education, health care, and rights to public and private services related issues for people with disabilities, their families, educators and service providers.