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for Technical Assistance
The Southwest ADA Center provides training to entities with compliance obligations under the law, as well as to those people with disabilities and advocates who want to learn more about their rights.
The Southwest ADA Center has provided hundreds of trainings to employers of all sizes, to school districts, colleges, human resource associations, and centers for independent living. The Southwest ADA Center offers training on demand for businesses, educational entities, attorneys, architects and other groups.
Trainings on all aspects of the ADA are available. Project and affiliate staff can provide everything from basic general training to complex in-depth training for a particular industry. We make it our job to stay up-to-date on case law, as well as new regulatory guidance from the Department of Justice, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and other agencies that affect employers and businesses regarding the ADA.
The Southwest ADA Center and its affiliates provide needs-based customized training. Programs are designed to meet the specific needs of each organization and audience.
The Southwest ADA Center responds to requests by customizing existing training programs or creating new and unique programs.
The Southwest ADA Center, through informal or formal processes, will help identify the needs within your organization. This initial assessment ensures that the training will achieve your goals.
Techniques used to customize existing workshops include:
The value of training begins when the session is over. The Southwest ADA Center can provide follow-up and refresher trainings on-site or through a variety of distance learning techniques. In addition, we offers a number of other services, such as a newsletter, and monthly e-bulletins that can help keep participants updated on the latest trends related to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
If your company or organization is interested in a customized training, or you would like to have an expert speak at your seminars or conferences, contact the Southwest ADA Center or one its sister centers at 800-949-4232 v/tty