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14 C.F.R. § 382.41 What flight-related information must carriers provide to qualified individuals with a disability?
As a carrier, you must provide the following information, on request, to qualified individuals with a disability or persons making inquiries on their behalf concerning the accessibility of the aircraft expected to make a particular flight. The information you provide must be specific to the aircraft you
expect to use for the flight unless it is unfeasible for you to do so (e.g., because unpredictable circumstances such as weather or a mechanical problem require substitution of another aircraft that could affect the location or availability of an accommodation). The required information is:(a) The specific location of seats, if any, with movable armrests (i.e., by row and seat number);
(b) The specific location of seats (i.e., by row and seat number) that the carrier, consistent with this Part, does not make available to passengers with a disability (e.g., exit row seats);
(c) Any aircraft-related, service related or other limitations on the ability to accommodate passengers with a disability, including limitations on the availability of level-entry boarding to the aircraft at any airport involved with the flight. You must provide this information to any passenger who states that he or she uses a wheelchair for boarding, even if the passenger does not explicitly request the information.
(d) Any limitations on the availability of storage facilities, in the cabin or in the cargo bay, for mobility aids or other assistive devices commonly used by passengers with a disability, including storage in the cabin of a passenger’s wheelchair as provided in §§ 382.67 and 382.123 of this Part;
(e) Whether the aircraft has an accessible lavatory; and
(f) The types of services to passengers with a disability that are or are not available on the flight.
14 C.F.R. § 382.43 Must information and reservation services of carriers be accessible to individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind?
(a) If, as a carrier, you provide telephone reservation and information service to the public, you must make this service available to individuals who use a text telephone (TTY), whether via your own TTY, voice relay, or other available technology, as follows:
(1) You must provide access to TTY users during the same hours as the telephone service is available to the general public.
(2) You must ensure that the response time for answering calls and the level of service provided to TTY users is substantially equivalent to the response time and level of service provided to the general public (i.e., non-TTY users).
(3) You must not subject TTY users to charges exceeding those that apply to non-TTY users of telephone information and reservation service.
(4) In any medium in which you list the telephone number of your information and reservation service for the general public, you must also list your TTY number if you have one. If you do not have a TTY number, you must state how TTY users can reach your information and reservation service (e.g., via a voice relay service).
(5) If you are a foreign carrier, you must meet this requirement by May 13, 2010.
(b) The requirements of paragraph (a) do not apply to you in any country in which the telecommunications infrastructure does not readily permit compliance.
14 C.F.R. § 382.45 Must carriers make copies of this Part available to passengers?
(a) As a carrier, you must keep a current copy of this Part at each airport you serve. As a foreign carrier, you must keep a copy of this Part at each airport serving a flight you operate that begins or ends at a U.S. airport. You must make this copy available for review by any member of the public on request.
(b) If you have a Web site, it must provide notice to consumers that they can obtain a copy of this Part in an accessible format from the Department of Transportation by any of the following means:
(1) For calls made from within the United States, by telephone via the Toll- Free Hotline for Air Travelers with Disabilities at 1–800–778–4838 (voice) or 1–800–455–9880 (TTY),
(2) By telephone to the Aviation Consumer Protection Division at 202– 366–2220 (voice) or 202–366–0511 (TTY),
(3) By mail to the Air Consumer Protection Division, C–75, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE., West Building, Room W96–432, Washington, DC 20590, and
(4) On the Aviation Consumer Protection Division’s Web site (