Federal Transit Administration

 Assessment of Fixed Route Bus

 Wheelchair Lift Maintenance & Reliability

 This assessment tool is designed to assist transit agencies and the Federal Transit Administration in determining if accessibility equipment, particularly wheelchair lifts, on fixed route bus systems are operating reliably.  It also is meant to assist in assessing lift cycling and maintenance, and related service policies.  Guidance is provided on getting input in the review process from local disability organizations and customers, on selecting vehicles to be reviewed, and on conducting actual on-street observations of lift cycling, operation, and maintenance practices.  Guidance is also provided on administrative follow-up issues related to promoting and implementing a policy for successful lift maintenance and operation.

 Revised 1 June 2006

 Regulatory Requirements

Maintenance (for all types of entities and services)

General equipment maintenance requirements, which pertain to all types of entities and services are contained in 49 CFR §37.161.  Lifts, ramps, securement systems, public address systems, and other access-related equipment must be maintained in operating condition.  If damaged or out of order, this equipment must be repaired promptly.  When equipment is out of order, reasonable steps must also be taken to accommodate riders who would otherwise use the equipment.

 Maintenance (for public entities only)

In addition to the general maintenance provisions described above that apply to all transportation providers, 49 CFR §37.163 requires public transportation providers to institute regular and frequent maintenance checks of lifts.  Drivers are required to report lift failures as soon as possible.  Every effort must be made to repair lifts before the next day of service.  If the lift cannot be repaired before the next day of service, the vehicle can be placed back in operation only if a spare is unavailable.  Vehicles with inoperable lifts can be kept in service for no more than three days (if the entity serves an area of over 50,000 population) or five days (if the entity serves an area of 50,000 or less population).

Preparing to Review Fixed Route Bus Lift Maintenance and Reliability

Following the directions below for preparing for a review of lift reliability and maintenance, complete the "Preparation Checklist" on the following pages.

Scheduling the Review, Requesting Information about Lift Maintenance, Policies, and Standards

 FTA will notify the transit system that FTA is planning a review of lift maintenance and reliability.  Actual on-site days should be picked to not include holidays or other atypical days.  FTA will send a letter to the transit agency indicating the dates of the on-site visit, information needed in advance of the visit, and information that should be available at the time of the visit.  The letter should confirm a previously discussed opening and closing meeting with appropriate staff (i.e., the General Manager or designee, Director of Operations, ADA Coordinator, etc.).

 The following information would be requested in advance:

  1. Several copies of the most recent system route map.
  2. A complete set of current detailed route schedules.
  3. Identification of which routes are operated in-house and which are operated by a private contractor.
  4. Identification of which routes/areas are served by each garage.
  5. Identification of transfer points and locations where different routes share a common line.
  6. Bus fleet inventory identifying year, make, bus garage, and accessibility of each bus, including whether the system uses low-floor buses and to what extent.
  7. A description of lift maintenance practices identifying the location and party performing lift maintenance.
  8. Current Fixed Route Operator Manual/s, notices, bulletins, memoranda, or other documentation informing vehicle operators of lift operation and maintenance policies.
  9. Reports, memoranda, or other documentation regarding lift operation and maintenance monitoring activities and findings.
  10. A list of complaints related to lift operations in the past year.  The list should include customer's name, trip origin, date and type of complaint, carrier, and resolution (any corrective actions requested and taken).

 Documentation of Current Policies

In advance of the on-site visit, review the fixed route Operator Manual (or manuals if there are different documents for different types of service or different operators) to see if and how policies and instructions for lift cycling and reporting lift malfunctions are explained to operators.  Based on the manual and also on conversations with the transit agency staff, develop a general understanding of how lift cycling and maintenance is handled.  Specifically:


  1. Are lifts cycled each day?
  2. Who is responsible for cycling the lifts (drivers, starters, mechanics, etc.)?
  3. When and where does the lift cycling take place?

 Complaints on File


 Review any current complaints or past complaints related to fixed route bus lift maintenance and reliability that are on file with the FTA Office of Civil Rights.  For any past complaints, review the file to determine the final outcome-any corrective actions requested and taken.  Also note from any complaint files which routes, areas, types of vehicles, or operators were the subject of the complaint(s).

 Contact with Local Disability Organizations


 Prior to the on-site review, contact local disability organizations and any past complainants (or a few selected complainants if there are a large number on file).  Complaints may have been filed with the assistance of local organizations, which will help identify possible agency contacts.  Other possible approaches for identifying appropriate local agencies include contacting the National Organization on Disability (NOD) State Contact.

 At a minimum the there should be an attempt made to contact the following organizations:

  • Centers for Independent Living
  • Paralyzed Veterans of America
  • Rehabilitation agencies and centers

When contacting each local agency, ask first to speak to the agency director.  Explain the purpose of the call and inquire whether fixed route bus lift reliability and maintenance have been or are a concern.  If yes, determine if there is any documentation of problems and/or attempts to work on the issue with the transit agency (letters, local complaints not filed with FTA, etc.).

From any past complainants, ask if the situation has improved and if any required corrective actions have been taken.

Arrange with either a staff person of a local organization or a complainant (the selected person should be a person who uses a wheelchair) to meet while on-site to jointly assess selected routes.

Schedule for On-Site Review of Lift Reliability and Maintenance

The review team coordinator should develop an on-site task schedule for each reviewer for each day.  The on-site review will consist of the following tasks:

  1. An opening meeting with agency staff.
  2. Observing lift cycling (if applicable) at representative garage(s).
  3. Examining lift maintenance records at these same garages or at a contract maintenance location.
  4. Riding selected accessible routes with a person who uses a wheelchair.
  5. Interviewing drivers about policies regarding lift malfunctions.
  6. Interviewing administrative staff about operator training, internal monitoring, follow-up to internal monitoring, and complaint records.
  7. A closing meeting with agency staff.

 For a typical review, it is recommended that observations of lift cycling take place in the early morning (at pullout) on the first day of the review.  Two team members should be assigned to each garage/yard being reviewed.  Depending on the size of the operation and the number of team members, this may need to be done on the morning of the second day as well.  The examination of maintenance records will typically happen late morning, immediately following the observation of lift cycling.  Drivers would also be interviewed at the garages in the late morning as they come in for breaks.  Riding the system with a person who uses a wheelchair could then be done in the afternoon(s).  While one team member is riding the system, other members could interview administrative staff.  The closing meeting would then take place on the last day of the on-site visit.

 If lifts are cycled at times other than the morning pullout, or if lift maintenance is done off-site, this typical schedule would need to be revised.

 To develop the schedule, select garage/yard locations for observing lift cycling and examining maintenance records.  Consider:

  • Observing lift cycling by all operating entities (in-house and contractors), to some degree.
  • Observing cycling and maintenance at garages in various parts of the service area, to some degree.
  • Focusing on certain garages if there is evidence from complaints or conversations with local agencies that certain parts of the system (or types of vehicles that may be at certain garages) need more intensive review.

 Also, select routes to be reviewed.  The above considerations regarding coverage of all operators, areas, and key routes mentioned by customers would apply to this selection as well.

 The coordinator for the on-site effort should then develop a detailed daily schedule for each person involved.  Copies of detailed route maps and schedules for selected routes should then be provided to each team member.

 Overall On-Site Schedule

 Finally, the review coordinator should develop a schedule for the overall on-site visit.  The first two or three days should involve on-street observations and interviews.  The last day should include final interviews and data collection and a closing meeting with administrative staff.

 On-Site Review Activities

 Observing lift cycling:  For each garage visited, have two team members arrive about 15-30 minutes before the first pullout is scheduled.  Upon arriving, the team will introduce themselves to the depot management.  It is expected that management will allow the team to interact with drivers without interference, and will assist in coordinating access to drivers.  As drivers arrive and prepare to pullout, ask them if they will be cycling the lift.  If they say they did not plan to do this, ask them to please cycle the lift.  Record if the driver planned to do this without a special request.  Observe the cycling and record the working condition of the lift.  Also, ask the driver to test the kneeler (if applicable) and the PA system (if applicable).  Record the condition of this equipment.  Under "Comments," note observations such as the driver's familiarity with the equipment operation.  Finally, if the lift does not function properly, note how the driver reports this and whether the vehicle is replaced with a spare, sent out on the route anyway, etc.

 Examining lift maintenance records:  After observing the lift cycling, ask to speak with the chief mechanic at the garage.  Ask to see the log of reported breakdowns and equipment failures (every system should have some type of log of needed repairs).  Scan the log for the past few months and record information about needed repairs on lifts on the "Lift Maintenance and Repair Summary Form."  Note on this form the bus number, the date the breakdown was reported, and the date the repair was completed.  If there was a lengthy delay (3-5 days) before the repair was completed for any entries, ask for the "pullout sheet" for that day.  Check to see if that bus was operated on a route during the time that the lift was not operable.  Also, determine if spare accessible vehicles were available that day.  Record this information in the last column of the "Lift Maintenance and Repair Summary Form."

 Riding selected accessible routes with a person who uses a wheelchair:  Meet the customer who volunteered to assist with the review and travel on several accessible routes.  Record equipment and driver performance on the "Fixed Route On-Board Service Review Form."  Although the primary purpose of the review is to check lift reliability and operator performance,  record any other observations that may occur during travel, such as assistance provided to other passengers, stop announcements, etc. (as indicated on the form).

 Preparation Checklist for Review of Lift Maintenance and Reliability


 Name of Transit Agency:_________________________________________________________


 City and State:_________________________________________________________________


 Form Completed by:_____________________________________________________________


 ?         Obtain a fleet inventory by garage.

 ?         Obtain a sufficient number of copies of system maps and schedules for several accessible routes that are candidates for assessment efforts.


 When, where, and by whom is lift cycling performed?__________________________________




 Identify Garages, Maintenance Activities, and Fixed Route Bus Contractors below.  Asterisk those to be visited for lift cycling and maintenance records.


 Bus/Maintenance Garage Name and Address

Area/Routes Served

Contractor(s) Using the Facility

Number and Types of Buses at Facility

Lift Maintenance Performed There?



 ?         Check FTA complaint records.  Are there any current or past complaints related to fixed route bus lift maintenance and reliability?


            ?  Yes                                                  ?  No


            If Yes, how many complaint summaries are attached:_________________________

 Summarize complaints below (attach additional sheets as necessary).



 Complaint Number:___________________   Date of Complaint:_________________








 Resolution/Corrective Actions:____________________________________________




 Are any particular routes/areas/vehicle types/operators/ identified that should be assessed?







 Complaint Number:___________________   Date of Complaint:_________________








 Resolution/Corrective Actions:____________________________________________




 Are any particular routes/areas/vehicle types/operators/ identified that should be assessed?






 ?         Contact local agencies/customers.  Identify local agencies/customers contacted below.

       Attach an "Agency/Customer Contact Form" for each.


       Agency/Customer Name:___________________________________________________


       Agency/Customer Name:___________________________________________________


       Agency/Customer Name:___________________________________________________


       Agency/Customer Name:___________________________________________________


 Customer/agency staff person identified to assist with the review:




 Phone Number:___________________________________________________________


 Place and time to meet when on-site:__________________________________________





 ?         Select routes to be reviewed.  Attach a completed Review Schedule.


 ?         Prepare an overall schedule for the on-site visit.










Agency/Customer Contact Form (Lift Maintenance and Reliability)


 Agency Name:_________________________________________________________________


 Contact Person Name:___________________________________________________________


 Contact Person Title:____________________________________________________________


 Contact Person Phone Number:____________________       Date of Contact:________________


 Summarize person's input regarding fixed route bus lift maintenance and reliability:__________














 Did the person cite any documentation of issues or efforts to work with the transit agency regarding lift maintenance and reliability?  Summarize documentation cited (and request copies be sent).








 Recommended review follow-up:___________________________________________________







 _________________________________________ ____________________________________

 Signature of Person Completing this Form                    Print Name


 Fixed Route Bus Lift Maintenance and Reliability Review Schedule


 Transit Agency Reviewed:_________________________________________________________

 Day _______ of On-Site Review                                                         Date:___________________
















 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________



 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________



 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________



 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


 Route #:___________

 Begin Time:________

 End Time:_________


















Record of Lift Cycling and Working Condition of Lifts and Access Features


 Transit Agency:___________________________________________________________________


 Garage Location:___________________________________________________________________


 Date:_______________                     Time:________________                    Page _____ of ______


 Reviewer Name and Signature:_________________________________________________________




 Bus #:_________    Lift Cycled By (1):_____________   ? Done Routinely     ? Done on Request

 Lift/Ramp Worked?:  ? Yes   ? No   Kneeler Worked?  ? Yes   ? No   PA Worked?  ? Yes   ? No

 Operator Familiarity with Equipment:___________________________________________________




 Bus #:_________    Lift Cycled By (1):_____________   ? Done Routinely     ? Done on Request

 Lift/Ramp Worked?:  ? Yes   ? No   Kneeler Worked?  ? Yes   ? No   PA Worked?  ? Yes   ? No

 Operator Familiarity with Equipment:___________________________________________________




 Bus #:_________    Lift Cycled By (1):_____________   ? Done Routinely     ? Done on Request

 Lift/Ramp Worked?:  ? Yes   ? No   Kneeler Worked?  ? Yes   ? No   PA Worked?  ? Yes   ? No

 Operator Familiarity with Equipment:___________________________________________________




 Bus #:_________    Lift Cycled By (1):_____________   ? Done Routinely     ? Done on Request

 Lift/Ramp Worked?:  ? Yes   ? No   Kneeler Worked?  ? Yes   ? No   PA Worked?  ? Yes   ? No

 Operator Familiarity with Equipment:___________________________________________________





 (1) Driver/Mechanic/Starter/Etc.


Lift Maintenance and Repair Summary Form


 Transit Agency:________________________________________________________________________

 Garage Location:_______________________________________________________________________

 Date:_______________                     Time:________________                    Page _____ of ______

 Reviewer Name and Signature:_______________________________________________________

 Bus # and Repair Needed

Date Breakdown Reported

Date Repaired

In Service In Interim?  Spares Available?



 Fixed Route On-Board Service Review Form


 Name of Grantee:_______________________________________________________________

 Route #/Line Reviewed:_____________________________ Vehicle/Car #:________________

 Date:___________________ Time:____________________

 Reviewer Name and Signature:____________________________________________________




 Record of Equipment Performance:

                                                            Equipment Observed Working Properly?

                                                            (Yes; No; Not Observed; note details)

 Wheelchair Lift                                    ____________________________________________

 Wheelchair Ramp                                ____________________________________________

 Kneeler                                               ____________________________________________

 Securement System                             ____________________________________________

 Public Address System                        ____________________________________________

 Signage                                               ____________________________________________


 For Rail Service Only:                                                  Working Properly         Condition

                                                                                                (Y/N)?                         (Ex/Gd/Pr)


 Elevator #1  (Location:                                             )  ___________              _________

 Elevator #2  (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Elevator #3  (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Elevator #4  (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Escalator #1 (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Escalator #2 (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Escalator #3 (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________

 Escalator #4 (Location:                                             ) ___________              _________







 Fixed Route Service On-Board Review Form, Page 2


 Record of Employee Performance:

                                                                                    Observed         Observed         Task    

                                                                                    Correct            Incorrect          Not

                                                                                    Performance     Performance     Observed 


 Operation of Lift/Ramp                                                _________      __________    _________

 Use of Securement and Restraint Systems                    _________      __________    _________

 Assisting Wheelchair-user to and on/off Vehicle            _________      __________    _________

 Assisting Ambulatory Passengers on/off Vehicle           _________      __________    _________

 Assisting Person with Vision Impairment                       _________      __________    _________

 Assisting Person with Hearing Impairment                    _________      __________    _________

 Sensitivity/Appropriate Language                                 _________      __________    _________

 Allowing Standees on Lift                                            _________      __________    _________

 Appropriate Handling of 3-wheeled Mobility Aids        _________      __________    _________

 Cost to Users/Attendants (No Additional Costs)          _________      __________    _________

 Accommodating Attendants/Companions                     _________      __________    _________

 Accommodating Service Animals                                 _________      __________    _________

 Accommodating Life Support Systems             _________      __________    _________

 Refusing Service                                                          _________      __________    _________

 Allowed Riders to Disembark as Desired                     _________      __________    _________

 Use of Vehicle/Passenger ID System                _________      __________    _________

 Use of Priority Seating                                     _________      __________    _________

 Adequate Boarding/Disembarking Time                       _________      __________    _________














 Administrative Issues


 Following on-street observations and review efforts, interview drivers and administrative staff using the following outline.

 Interview Drivers/Operators


 At one or more selected garages, interview bus drivers/train operators.  Ask them:


  1. To describe the agency's policy regarding lift cycling.
  2. To describe the training they received in operating lifts, securement systems, and other access features.
  3. To describe what they do if a lift malfunctions when being cycled.
  4. To describe what they do if a lift or ramp malfunctions in service.
  5. To describe what they do if they have concerns or encounter what they deem to be an oversized wheelchair.

 Make a record of each interview and summarize driver interview findings.

 Interview Dispatchers/Supervisors

 Interview fixed route dispatchers and ask how they respond to reported lift failures by drivers.  Specifically, ask what accommodation they provide if the lift is not working and the next accessible bus is not scheduled to arrive on that route for 30 minutes.  Also ask when buses are removed from service if a lift is reported to be broken.

 Based on the driver interviews and on a prior review of administrative information regarding lift cycling, reliability, and maintenance, determine which supervisor(s) or administrative staff would directly oversee drivers and assist/monitor with lift reliability and maintenance.  From this person(s):


  1. Ask what issues (if any) the agency has faced in operating lifts or ramps reliably and maintaining lifts and other access features in good working order.
  2. Ask what monitoring is done by the agency to determine if the lifts and other equipment are being operated reliably.

 Make a record of each interview and summarize dispatcher/supervisor interview findings.

 Inclusion in Training


 Request to meet with the person responsible for driver/operator training.  Ask this person to describe if and how lift reliability and maintenance policies are included in initial and refresher training.  Also ask what training is provided in the safe operation of lifts and other access equipment.  Request from this person a copy of the training material that include any reference to these policies.

 Make a record of each interview and summarize trainer interview findings.

 Documentation of Policy Implementation


 From the administrative staff (Director of Operations, ADA Coordinator, etc.), ask for copies of any notices, bulletins, memoranda, or other documentation letting employees know of the policies regarding lift operation and maintenance.

 Also, interview the ADA Coordinator and Director of Operations to determine what issues (if any) the agency has faced in implementing these policies.  Ask:


  1. How monitoring of lift operation and maintenance is conducted.  Who monitors this?  How often is it monitored?
  2. Ask for copies of any reports or memoranda regarding monitoring activities and internal findings.

 Ask to see any tabulation of recent service complaints.  Review for any complaints related to lift operation and maintenance.

 Make a record of each interview and summarize findings.

Documentation of Follow-Up to Internal Monitoring and Complaints

 Based on the internal monitoring information received, determine if specific operators were ever cited for failure to operate lifts correctly or report problems with lifts.  Record if this is being done.  Determine what corrective actions (refresher training, etc.) was conducted.  Determine if there was follow-up monitoring of these employees and what the results were.

 Check the disposition of a randomly selected number of complaints regarding lift operation and maintenance.  See if there was any refresher training provided or other corrective action taken.

 Summarize findings regarding internal monitoring and follow-up.