Publications: Human Resource Management and Training

Human Resource Perspective on Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (NIDRR/DOE) 4 pgs. 1994.  Document provides valuable guidance for human resource staff on effective implementation of the employment provisions of ADA in the workplace. 

Americans with Disabilities Act & Personnel Training (NIDRR/DOE) 4 pgs. 1996.  This document is for employers. It outlines who can benefit from training about the Americans with Disabilities Act; the kind of training employees may need; and resources for developing and providing training.

Americans with Disabilities Act & Total Quality Management (NIDRR/DOE) 4 pgs. 1994. This document explains how total quality management can be used when implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act in the workplace.  It highlights the advantage of using TQM to improve human resource practices in general and increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. 

Cultural Diversity & the Americans with Disabilities Act (NIDRR/DOE) 4 pgs. 1996 This document contains information on "developing company policy, culture, and goals to optimize the productivity of an organization's employees by utilizing their differences." It includes information on how the ADA should be incorporated into regular trainings.