- February 2020
Department of Transportation Issues Final Statement of Enforcement
Priorities Regarding Service Animals on Flights and Proposes Significant
Regulation Changes
Diego Demaya, J.D.
U.S. DOT Narrows the Scope of Service Animal Accommodations
On August 8, 2019, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) issued
a Final
Statement Of Enforcement Priorities Regarding Service Animals.
The DOT regulates the transportation of service animals
under the Air Carrier
Access Act
The statement discusses topics such as species/breed restrictions,
documentation of
service animals, advance notice, and containment of service
animals in the cabin. Additionally, on January 22, 2020 the
U.S. Department of Transportation announced that it is seeking
public comment on proposed
amendments to its Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) regulation
on service animals accompanying passengers in air travel. See,
of Proposed Rulemaking - Traveling by Air with Service Animals
Notably, the DOT proposes a number of service animal provisions
in its rulemaking that differ significantly from the current
DOT regulation and provides the public with 60 days to comment
on proposed changes.
The DOT says the NPRM is intended to ensure a safe and accessible
air transportation system and addresses service animal related
concerns raised by individuals
with disabilities, airlines, flight attendants, airports, other
aviation transportation stakeholders, and other members of
the public. The Department
stated it wants to ensure that individuals with disabilities
can continue using their service animals while also reducing
the likelihood that
passengers wishing to travel with their pets on aircraft will
be able to falsely claim their pets are service animals. Public
comment is expected
until April 6, 2020 and late-filed comments will be considered
to the extent practicable.
Current DOT regulations generally require that airlines allow passengers
to travel with a wide range of animals in the cabin on the basis that
the animals are service animals or emotional support animals. It is
estimated that in 2018 U.S. airlines transported approximately one million
such animals in the passenger cabin. Animals on board included ducks,
turkeys, pigs, and iguanas. This has given rise to problems from presumably
untrained animals attacking, biting, and scratching passengers, airline
employees, and other animals – including incidents of animals
urinating and defecating in the airport terminal and in the aircraft.
While the Final Statement Of Enforcement Priorities Regarding the transportation
of service animals is not a regulation, it does propose a significant
policy shift in regard to how the DOT will enforce current
law while moving forward with the proposal for new regulation.
Here are the most significant DOT proposed
- Airlines Will Only Be Required to Accept Dogs as Service
Animals. DOT proposes to define a service animal as a dog that is
individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of
a qualified
individual with a disability -- including a physical, sensory,
psychiatric, intellectual,
or other mental disability. DOT is essentially likening its
definition to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) definition
of “service
animal” pursuant to regulations enforcing the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA). See, e.g., 28 C.F.R. § 36.104 - Definitions).
By contrast,
current DOT regulations require airlines to accept other species,
including cats, miniature horses, pigs, and capuchin monkeys
as service animals. See, 14 C.F.R. § 382.117 Must carriers permit
passengers with a disability to travel with service animals? While the
DOT Final Statement on Priorities states that it will continue to enforce
the current regulation, it is expected to begin its policy shift toward
limiting service animals to dogs only – especially in view of
incidents involving other types of animals and airline company
policy changes.
- Allow airlines to treat emotional support animals
as pets rather than service animals. Airlines Will Not Be Required
to Accept
Emotional Support or Comfort Animals as Service Animals for
purposes of air travel
in the passenger cabin. Airlines would be permitted to treat
emotional support animals as pets because they are not trained
to do work or perform
a task for the benefit of an individual with a disability as
stated in the NPRM definition. Recall that under the ADA a “pet” does
not have disability-related legal protection to enter public
places. Moreover, the DOT stated that while the current DOT
service animal regulation
permits airlines to require documentation from a licensed mental
health professional for the carriage of emotional support animals,
the advent
of online entities that may be guaranteeing the required documentation
for a fee has made it difficult for airlines to determine whether
passengers traveling with animals are traveling with their
pets or with legitimate
emotional support animals.
- Service Animal Documentation. As
a significant change airlines will be permitted to require
passengers with a disability accompanied
with a service animal to complete and submit to the airline
forms developed by DOT as a condition of transportation.
Airline developed forms will
not be permissible. DOT forms include:
• DOT Service Animal Air Transportation Health Form, to be completed
by a veterinarian, in order to certify the animal’s good health;
DOT Service Animal Air Transportation Behavior and Training
Attestation Form, to be completed by the service animal handler, in
order to attest to the animal’s good behavior; and
• DOT Service Animal Relief Attestation, to be completed by the
service animal handler, when traveling with a service animal
on a flight eight hours or longer in order to verify that the animal has the
to either not relieve itself, or can relieve itself in a sanitary
The DOT forms will warn that it would be a federal crime for a service
animal handler to make false statements or representations
on these forms to secure disability accommodations.
- Qualification
as a Service Animal. To determine whether an animal
qualifies as a “service animal,” airline staff will be permitted
to inquire: a) whether the animal is required to accompany the passenger
because of a disability; and b) what work or task the animal has been
trained to perform. However, the airline may neither inquire about the
nature of the passenger’s disability nor ask the passenger to
have the animal demonstrate the work or tasks it was trained
to perform. Again, DOT is following the ADA service animal
rule. Supra.
- Consider a psychiatric service animal to be a service
animal and require the same training and treatment of psychiatric
service animals as other service animals. Psychiatric service
dogs would continue to
qualify as service animals on the basis that they are trained
to do work or perform tasks; e.g., a dog trained to sense
that an anxiety attack is about to happen and take a specific
action to help
avoid the
attack or lessen its impact. However, if the dog's presence
provides merely comfort, it would not be considered a service
- Allow airlines to require passengers with a disability
traveling with a service animal to check-in at the airport
one hour prior
to the travel time required for the general public to ensure
sufficient time
to process documentation and observe the service animal.
This condition would be permissible so long as the airline
similarly requires advance
check-in for passengers traveling with their pets in the
Notably, airlines would have to designate a location in the
airport for these
passengers to check-in promptly with a trained agent. This
effectively changes the current regulation requiring passengers
traveling with an
ESA or PSA to check in before regular time for flights lasting
8 hours or longer. Airlines would be required to promptly
check-in passengers with service animals who are subject
to an advanced
check-in process;
- Allow airlines to limit the number of
service animals traveling with a single passenger with
a disability to only two (2) service
animals. The Final Statement provides that DOT will continue
to focus on ensuring
that airlines are not restricting passengers from traveling
Just because they might need to travel with more than one
service animal. The DOT
clarified that the current regulation (part 382) plainly
does not allow airlines to deny transport to a service animal
accompanying a passenger
with a disability because of a limit on the total number
service animals that can be on any flight. Recall that the
current regulation does not prohibit a passenger from traveling
with more than
one service
- Allow airlines to require a service animal to fit
within its handler’s
foot space on the aircraft. Here DOT proposes to allow airlines
to limit service animals based on whether the animal can fit
onto the service
animal handler’s lap or foot space. Airlines could reject service
animals that are too large to fit in these spaces. In cases
where the service animal is too large to fit in the passenger’s
foot space or on the passenger’s lap, DOT proposes to require
airlines to: (i) seat the passenger with a service animal next
to an empty seat within
the same class of service, if available; (ii) provide the passenger
with the option to transport the animal in the cargo hold for
free; or (iii) transport the passenger on a later flight with
more room --
if available.
- Continue to allow airlines to require that service
animals be harnessed, leashed, tethered, or otherwise under
the control of its handler. DOT will continue to permit airlines to require that service
animals be
harnessed, leashed, tethered, or otherwise under the control
of the handler at all times in the airport and on the aircraft
-- unless the
device interferes with the work of the service animal, or the
disability prevents use of these devices. Moreover, the new
regulation will address when the user of a service animal may
be charged for damage
caused by the service animal.
- Continue to allow airlines to
refuse transportation to service animals that exhibit aggressive
behavior and that pose a direct
threat to the health or safety of others. In determining whether
a service animal poses a direct threat, an airline must make
an individualized assessment based on reasonable judgments
that relies on the
best available
objective evidence to ascertain the nature, duration, and severity
of the risk; the probability that the potential injury will
occur; and
whether reasonable modifications will mitigate the risk. This
is the
same “direct threat” standard contained in Titles II and
III of the ADA. See, e.g., 28 C.F.R. § 36.208.
- Continue to prohibit
airlines from refusing to transport a service animal solely
on the basis of breed. While DOT proposes to
continue prohibiting airlines from imposing breed and other
categorical restrictions
on service animals, it does seek comment about the unique
environment of a crowded airplane cabin in flight that would justify
airlines to prohibit pit bulls and other particular breeds
from traveling on flights. Conversely, the ADA obligates
localities where breed restrictions
are enforced to make policy modifications on a case-by-case
Submitting Comment to the NPRM
DOT is requesting comments on the proposed rule by April 6, 2020.
public may file comments identified by docket # DOT–OST–2018–0068.
Instructions where to file comments are stated in the notice.
The Southwest ADA Center is a program of ILRU
(Independent Living Research Utilization), at TIRR Memorial Hermann
in Houston, Texas. The Center is funded by a grant (90DP0092) from the
National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation
Research. NIDILRR is a Center within the Administration for Community
Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents
of this e-bulletin do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR,
ACL, HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.