Disability Law Handbook

National Initiatives

Information & Outreach

ADA Case Law Database ADA Case Law Database
A comprehensive search tool that provides information pertaining to significant rulings under the Employment (Title I), Local and State Government (Title II) and Places of Public Accommodations (Title III) provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Disability Law Lowdown logoDisability Law Lowdown Podcast Series
Brought to you by nationally recognized leaders in the field of disability law, the Disability Law Lowdown Podcast delivers the latest in disability rights information twice a month. There are also podcasts in Spanish and in ASL. You can subscribe for free and have shows automatically delivered, or you can listen to the show and read the transcripts from this site.

ADA Document Center
A comprehensive one stop web resource with more than 7,400 documents on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability related laws.

Hospitality & Disability: A DBTAC InitiativeThe ADA and Hospitality
This initiative promotes accessibility and opportunity for people with disabilities within the hospitality industry. Visit this website to obtain materials and resources targeted to the hospitality industry.

Accessible Parking Public Service Announcement
This is a 60-second audio PSA with Robert David Hall on accessible parking that you can link to or download. It is also available in MP3 format from your DBTAC.

Customized News Feeds
Visit this site for late-breaking news. Stories are received several times a day from major news sources and are available by state. They are also organized by both law and topic, which include the ADA, Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), universal design, service animals and assistive technology.

ADA Kit for Media
Thus is a one-stop shop for information, assistance and resources to help you with accurate and timely reporting on ADA issues.

Employing People with Disabilities: National Network of DBTACs Speak Out
This is an eight minute video highlighting the value of ADA compliance and focusing on employment of persons with disabilities. It can be used in training programs.


AccessibleTech.org For Accessible Technology in the WorkplaceAccessible Technology for All
The purpose of AccessibleTech.org is to build a partnership between the disability and business communities to promote full and unrestricted participation in society for persons with disabilities through the promotion of technology that is accessible to all. The website contains a wealth of resources on the ADA and Accessible Information Technology.

Architectural Accessibility Series
A series of monthly free webinars and audio conferences co-sponsored by the National Network of ADA Centers and the US Access Board. Sessions addressing a variety of topics concerning accessibility of the built environment, information and communication technologies, and transportation. Sessions cover Board guidelines and standards, including its updated ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines and Section 508 Standards, as well as the rulemaking, such as accessible outdoor developed areas and public rights-of-ways. CEU’s provided for a fee.

ADA Building BlocksADA Basic Building Blocks
An introductory web course that explores the legal requirements and the spirit of the ADA. Two versions are available: 1) a FREE self-paced course organized into 12 topics that have been designed to be studied in order; and 2) an 8-week, moderated course (cost: $295/person) that emphasizes the thought process required to answer questions about the ADA.

Both versions cover the basic principles and core concepts contained in the ADA with interactive application exercises provided throughout the course to help participants apply newly learned concepts. Participants report increased knowledge about ADA-related issues important to their jobs. The moderated version has been approved for 14 CRCC credit hours and 1.5 CEU Credits. (Available in English and Spanish).

ADA Training Resource Center
Your one-stop website for courses, events and tools developed by the DBTAC: National Network of ADA Centers on the Americans with Disabilities Act.

ADA Audio ConferenceADA Audio and Webinar Conference Series
These series provide continuing education on regulations and trends under the ADA and Accessible Information Technology. A combination of teleconferencing and web-based technology is used to deliver cost-effective continuing education. The sessions are 90 minutes with opportunities for question and answers. Supplemental materials are posted on the website for participants to review and prepare for each session. Organizations can support the professional development of an individual, an entire department or an entire agency for less than it costs to send one staff member to a comparable training event. Previous session transcripts are also available.

National ADA Symposium & ExpoNational ADA Symposium
An annual three day conference on the ADA designed for professionals who are involved in implementing the ADA, as well as individuals with disabilities and their family members. For the past decade, the ADA Symposium has brought representatives from key federal agencies responsible for implementing the ADA, the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Access Board and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to provide training and updates. The extensive workshops on a wide array of topics, coupled with the expertise of nationally recognized presenters, have earned the National ADA Symposium the reputation as the most comprehensive conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act. Hallmarks of the Symposium are the ample opportunities for networking and problem solving among participants. Many participants report that one of the most important benefits of attending the Symposium was the opportunity to meet peers in their fields who became a source of ongoing professional support.

Title II of the ADA for ADA Coordinators
This FREE online tutorial is designed to orient ADA coordinators to their roles and how to address key ADA-related requirements applicable to state and local government under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This tutorial is approved for 0.3 CEU and 3 CRCC clock hours.

Quadrant with 1) universal wheelchair symbol 2) deaf and hard of hearing symbol 3) Walking man with cane symbol 4) sign language symbolAt Your Service: Welcoming Customers with Disabilities
This FREE online, self-paced web course is designed primarily for frontline staff and others interested in learning about ways to create an accessible and welcoming environment for customers with disabilities. Participants will increase their understanding of the needs and experiences of people with disabilities, learn how to adjust general customer service standards to meet the needs of customers with disabilities, and develop basic etiquette for interacting with customers who have disabilities. At Your Service has been approved by the University College at Syracuse University for 0.5 continuing education units (CEU) which equates to 5 contact hours and approved by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) for 5 CRCC clock hours.

National DBTAC Publication Portal
This site features publications developed by the DBTACs on the ADA and other disability related topics that address specific topics or target certain audiences. Posted publications include news articles, fact sheets, legal reviews, resource sheets, executive summaries of research papers with a link to the full paper, handbooks, and booklets.

DBTAC - Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers - National Network of ADA Centers
1-800-949-4232 (V/TTY)
Funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education H133A060094.

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