Publications: Communication

Access for 9-1-1 and Telephone Emergency Services (DOJ) 1998.
This document explains in practical terms how the ADA's requirements apply to 9-1-1 services, including equipment, standard operating procedures, and training, and should be useful to 9-1-1 service providers, equipment vendors, participating telephone companies, and individuals with disabilities.

Closed Captioning of Video Programming (FCC) 1999.
Q & A format.  Provides a thorough explanation of closed captioning, requirements for closed captioning under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and avenues for resolving complaints.

Communicating with and about People with Disabilities (DOL/ODEP) 2002.
Some suggestions on how to relate to and communicate with and about people with disabilities.

Communicating with People with Disabilities (NIDRR) 1992.
Guidance for public accommodations on using auxiliary aids and services to communicate with people with a range of disabilities. Specific recommendations offered.

Communicating with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: ADA Guide for Law Enforcement Officers (DOJ) 2006. This 8-panel pocket guide provides basic information for officers about ADA requirements for communicating effectively with people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Communicating with People Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hospital Settings (DOJ) 2003. Effective communication is particularly critical in health care settings where miscommunication may lead to misdiagnosis and improper or delayed medical treatment.

Communicating with Guests Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Hotels, Motels, and Other Places of Transient Lodging (DOJ) 2003.
The method of communication and the services or aids hotel staff must provide will vary depending upon the abilities of the guest and on the complexity and nature of the communications that are required.

Effective Communication (DOJ) 2014.
This publication is designed to help title II and title III entities (“covered entities”) understand how the rules for effective communication, including rules that went into effect on March 15, 2011, apply to them.

General Effective Communication Requirements Under Title II of the ADA (DOJ) 2007.
Chapter 3 of The ADA Tool Kit. The kit is designed to teach state and local government officials how to identify and fix problems that prevent people with disabilities from gaining equal access to state and local government programs, services, and activities.

Model Policy for Law Enforcement on Communicating with People Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DOJ) 2006. This 4-page document serves as a model for law enforcement agencies when adopting a policy on effective communication with people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Agencies are encouraged to download and adapt the policy to suit their needs.

Telecommunications Relay Service - FCC Consumer Facts (FCC) 2007. The Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) enables standard voice telephone users to talk to people who have difficulty hearing or speaking on the telephone.

Technical Bulletin: Text Telephones (TTYs) (Access Board) 2003.

Technical Bulletins on Assistive Listening Systems (ALSs) (ATBCB) 2001.
Assistive listening systems are devices which enhance the sound quality and volume of public address systems for persons who are hard of hearing, including those who use hearing aids. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines require assistive listening systems in certain assembly areas, such as theaters, concert and lecture halls, and arenas.

Theatrical Movie Captioning Systems (ATBCB) 2001

Use of Toll-Free Numbers for Video and IP Relay Service (FCC) 2012