Publications: Education

Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Publications

Pacer Publications (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights)

Assistive Technology for Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities

Conversations with Faculty:Assessing Student Accommodation & Accommodation Denial in Higher Education (2019) This guide will give disability resource professionals an organized, straightforward tool to use when engaging, educating, and resolving issues with faculty regarding academic disability-related accommodations.

Disability Rights Laws Applicable to Student Housing
A table analyzing the the various disability laws that may be applicable to post-secondary student housing.

Disability Rights Laws for Public Primary and Secondary Education
(2018) This document explains the general obligations that public elementary and secondary schools have toward students with disabilities.

The Facts on Charter Schools and Students with Disabilities (NICHCY 2011) Answers 10 commonly asked questions that families and educators of students with disabilities have about charter schools.

Meeting the Needs of All Students - Section 504 manual developed by the Office of the Superintendent for Public Instruction (OSPI), in cooperation with Region 10 of the Office for Civil Rights, to assist school districts in serving all of their students with disabilities in a way that assures a quality education which is in compliance with state and federal laws. This document includes a detailed explanation of Section 504, and its procedural requirements, sample procedural documents, highlights of the major differences between Section 504, the ADA, and the IDEA, a flow chart for implementation, sample accommodation plans, and suggestions for working with the Office for Civil Rights.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004: Overview, Explanation and Comparison of IDEA 2004 & IDEA 97 by Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. describes the substantive changes to the five key statutes of IDEA 2004 by section and subsection. Text added to IDEA 2004 is in italics. Text deleted from IDEA 97 has been struck through. (PDF format)

New Mexico Plan Will Use Technology to Leave No Child Behind - SEDL Letter, Vol. 16, No.1

Memorandum from OSEP: Questions and Answers on Obligations of Public Agencies in Serving Children with Disabilities Placed by Their Parents at Private Schools

Transition Age Special Education Students & SSI: What Parents Should Know (PDF Version)  April 2000 Fact Sheet, Number 5 

Meeting the Needs of Youth:  Examples of Students with Disabilities Accessing SSI Work Incentives (PDF version) 1999  by The Study Group, Inc.

What is a Learning Disability? (DOJ) 1998.