Architectural Barriers Act

The Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) requires that buildings and facilities that are designed, constructed, or altered with Federal funds, or leased by a Federal agency, comply with Federal standards for physical accessibility. ABA requirements are limited to architectural standards in new and altered buildings and in newly leased facilities. They do not address the activities conducted in those buildings and facilities. Facilities of the U.S. Postal Service are covered by the ABA.

For more information or to file a complaint, contact:

U.S. Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board

1331 F Street, N.W. , Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004-1111

(800) 872-2253 (voice)
(800) 993-2822 (TTY)


About the Architectural Barriers Act and Other Disability Rights Laws
A brochure by the Access Board which explains how to enforce the Act.