Toolbox Online Survey

1. Please rank the following components of the Toolbox according to how important they were to you when you first decided to use the Toolbox.

(Rate 1 for the most useful component, and then continue ranking in order of importance from 2 – 6).

2. Please rank the following components of the DLRP Toolbox according to how useful they were to you after using the Toolbox.

(Rate 1 for the most important component, and then continue ranking in order of how useful from 2 – 6).

3. The DLRP Toolbox has a good selection of resources.

4. While using this site, I find just what I am looking for.

5. The selection of resources the DLRP Toolbox offers meets my needs.


6. The DLRP Toolbox is the primary place I would consider when I need the type of resources it offers.

7. How did you find out about the DLRP Toolbox?

(Please check all that apply.)

8. What do you find to be the biggest problems in using the DLRP Toolbox?

11. Educational Attainment

12. What is your sex?

13. Are you disabled or impaired?

Note: This is a sensitive question that can help Internet developers to understand the needs of current Web users - it is not intended to offend.

14. Industry

15. Sector

16. NIDRR Grantee Status

17. Follow-Up

Would you be willing to be contacted by telephone for one of our staff to ask you questions about your experience with the DLRP Toolbox? If so, please list name, telephone number(s) and best times to call here. Times listed are CDT (Central Daylight Time, which is used now in Texas). Thanks!